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All things growing in the Garden>AA2020 Plant List & Care

All things growing in the Garden>2018 Portmarnock Garden>Whats growing in Portmarnock

Tuesday 9 October 2018

TOMATOES, seeds and seedlings

Pot Prize or Lycopersicon esculentum
'Pot Prize' is an early maturing tomato that produces medium sixed flavoursome fruit its compact habit makes it ideal for container growing.  Tomatoes prefer an open, sunny, frost-free position with well drained friable soil.  Fertilise generously.  Keep well watered in warm weather.
Position - Full sun
Height - 50cm
Plant - 50cm aprar
Maturity 9-10 weeks
Uses - Salads, sauces, hot dishes, preserving.

Purchased a punnet from Bunnings to get a head start.  They were approx 1.5" H when purchased and grew to approx 4".  Removed the bottom two lots of leaves and planted to cover.

Plant #1
Planted into large round pot with Basil
The tomato seedling planted with the basil is doing so much better than the other 3 seedlings, why? being put straight away into a larger pot? being planted with the basil? a larger pot holds more readily available water? or fertiliser?

Plant #2
Planted in 4" sq nursery pot
One month after placing in 4" pot, roots have grown to edges of pot
Repotted into grow pot with half trowel of Tomato Organic Fertiliser, removed 2nd lot of lower leaves that had been damaged by rain and planted deeper in pot with stake.

Plant #3
Planted into 5" blue nursery pot
Trimmed off lower leaves and planted deep in a grow pot with half a trowel of Organic Tomato Fertiliser.

Plant #4
Planted in 7" black nursery pot
Transferred from Black 7" round to Grow Pot, fertilised with Tomato Organic Fertiliser, and for the second time, removed lower leaves that had been affected by rain and burried tomato deeper.

Seeds, planted in 7" black nursery pot 
seeds from Aldi - Tomato sweet cherry
Heavy crops of small sweet fruit
A taller variety that requires staking
Harvest when red and ripe---so lots of info on that pack
 Hope the blurry pic isnt a jinx on what is to come....

Tomato plant with Basil is doing better that others in smaller pots, despite smaller pots getting more sun.  Have made space in the one 'Sun' spot by the pool fence for 3 small pots and the basil/tomato pot.

'Sunrise Bumble Bee'
Vibrant and juicy, these tomatoes are like little garden jewels, especially when eaten fresh from the vine.  Another artisan tomato like 'Pink Bumble Bee', 'Sunrise Bumble Bee' was bred in the us and is a modern, open pollinated heirloom.  It holds well on the vine, so you can pick them fresh each day.  As sweet as 'Tommy Toe' and more striking thant 'Tigerella' this tomato is suitable for pots or garden beds.  Chefs love the colour and flavour.
Growing Tips
Plant tomato seedlings out when soil temperature reaches 15C or more, and after risk of frost has passed.  Plant in full sun and enrich the soil with compost and well rotted manure.  In pots use a premium organic potting mix.  Mulch and water regularly. especially during hot weather.  Stake at planting.
Full Sun
150cm H x 60cm W
10 weeks to Harvest

Purchased from Bunnings, removed lower leaves and potted into Grow Pot with support canes.
really should have removed higher leaves, because when the rains hit, so did the soil virus.

Plant is damaged from rain splatter.

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