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All things growing in the Garden>AA2020 Plant List & Care

All things growing in the Garden>2018 Portmarnock Garden>Whats growing in Portmarnock

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Peace Lilly - Spathiphyllum

A few years back we were given a Peace Lilly to look after for awhile by our Son, well I guess it has slipped under his radar but as it was getting a bit pot bound.

Plan is to buy a few large square pots and grow an assortment of green leaves in front of the trellis, the little cheapie pots are just a way of getting us started on the project.
The entire garden area of our new home has had weed mat layed down with stones on top, the soil leaves a bit a lot to be desired so in the short (and even possibly the long) term we will be gardening in pots.
When we arrived in Portmarnock we popped the peace lilly against the fence on the 'utility' side of the house, being careful to make sure it wasn't getting blasted by the air conditioner unit.  What we didn't realise was that on the other side of the gappy fence was a pool filter motor.  Well, by the time we realised it was there the peace lilly thought it was in 7th heaven.  It loved the daily warm breeze floating through the fence.
So much so that it quickly became rather root bound and began to suffer, dividing up was the only solution.
We got 4 good sized pots and one smaller pot for Riley next door - Riley is a grade 3 young man just beginning to discover the delights of gardening - a good watering in with Seasol and daily waterings since and every pot seems to be growing happily.

 Plan is to get the square pots and re-pot the peace lillies along with the Diamantina Agathe, that red flower you can see near the end, and perhaps a white Agathe on the right of the Duranta with some hardy ground cover to grow up in front of the pots so that they will not be so noticeable, perhaps some green Mondo, although I did pull up a tangle of spider plants that have gone to a little 'recovery nursery' spot by the side fence, so they may come in handy.  We will source a couple of pots or coir basket liners to go in the hangers on the trellis (barely visible behind the Duranta trunk).  The Duranta had to have a severe trim back, it was growing over the neighbours and our gutters, but it will reshoot in time for a nice spring & summer display. (Fingers crossed here)
Amazingly, there was a mess of Spider plants, Bromeliads and Fish Ferns growing at the base of the trellis, in very little soil on top of the weed mat and amongst the rocks, everything was a home to the ants (a real problem here) and in very poor health.  Have cleaned all the plants up and put them into little 'recovery nurseries' so some may be reclaimed, some maybe not. Time will tell.

Funny how you change your mind as you go along.  The buying of expensive pots for the Lillies has been put on hold until there is a bit more structure in the garden.
For the time being the existing pots will have to do.  We were gifted some lovely new grow pots, some of which were only 4.5" wide, perfect to plop in six of the spider plants who had flourished in their little 'recovery nursery'.  Scraped the rocks back from the edge of the footpath and placed the little pots on the weed mat, scraped the rocks back and hopefully the spider plants will thicken up and cover the grow pots until we can get some other pots.

Peace Lillies are thickening up, showing more flowers
The left had side of Trellis area, this area got the smaller plants along with Darren's original Pot.  One day that pot is gonna go to its rightful home, by then I hope to have a fill in ready to fill the vacant spot.
The right hand side of Trellis area, 2 reasonable sized peace lillies with the new addition of Quisqualis 'Jessies' Star' climber, which is yet to begin climbing.
Spider plants in 4" pots have sparked up since their 2nd repotting in a couple of months.

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