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All things growing in the Garden>AA2020 Plant List & Care

All things growing in the Garden>2018 Portmarnock Garden>Whats growing in Portmarnock

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Pilea - Pilea cadierei

An attractive house plant with rounded deep green leaves and raised silvery metallic patches.  Tip prune to encourage a compact habit
This plant performs best in a moist but well drained potting medium in a warm filtered light interior location.  To maintain quality, water and liquid feed more frequently during the warmer months
Grows to 30cm High x 30cm Wide

Having read that a Pilea would be great for shady spots I purchased one from Rosemount nurseries not long after moving into Portmarnock.  Well, what with all the other projects on the go, buying plants was a big mistake, really I had no time to look into or after any plant, so this poor little thing just languished and almost died.

 Originally I had hoped to create a little 'greenery' area in the predominatly shady area on the outside of my sewing space door, the Pilea and the Ivy were the first - and only- (thank goodness) plants I consigned to this space, this enviroment, this almost graveyard.
But NO...
A Pilea is a very hardy little plant, it hung in there, with almost no leaves on the original stems it still managed, when offered a little water and care, to put forward new growth.  I let the lanky stems hold themselves high while tiny new growth sprouted from the base.  When the new growth established I pruned off the lanky stems and left it to recover for a bit. 

After a while I re-potted the plant into a small version of the plastic bowl shaped pot.
Re-homed on the Alfresco dining table, it seems to be as happy as a sandpiper.

Continuing to thrive in the Alfresco Area, lots of new growth, no direct sunlight, but plenty of diffused light.

Changed this plants location and lost it.  

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