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All things growing in the Garden>AA2020 Plant List & Care

All things growing in the Garden>2018 Portmarnock Garden>Whats growing in Portmarnock

Monday 14 December 2020

Ixora Compacta Gold

 Compact evergreen shrub to 1M High with glossy green leaves which from spring to autumn bears tight clusters of waxy, gold, tubular flowers.  Can be used indoors.

Prefers a partly shaded position in humus rich, moist, well drained soil but will take full sun.

Prune lightly after flowering, Keep moist in dry weather.

Purchased from Rosemount Nursery in 2019.

Originally in Fernery by front gate, bought home with flower heads but plant did not grow.  Moved to Study Garden in full sun and immediately started new growth.

 Pic October 2020

 Thickening up and growing well with Torenias

Pic December 2020

Purchased an Ixora Compacta Red from Rosemount nurseries for $9 in 2019, It died soon after bringing it home, along with the Little Emerald - Tabernaemontana corymbosa.

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