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All things growing in the Garden>AA2020 Plant List & Care

All things growing in the Garden>2018 Portmarnock Garden>Whats growing in Portmarnock

Monday 14 December 2020

Flower seedlings - Torenia

 Purchased Torenia seedlings in 2018, planted them in the long red pot, they were lovely, all purples and white.  Read that they were easy to propagate and did so in water.  

Purchased 6pack of mixed colour seedlings from Bunnings in October 2020,  hopefully I will propagate from these and keep them going in the garden, they are a lovely filler and splash of colour.

Pics December 2020

Purple and Magenta Torenias with Bacopa


Torenia with Pentas

White and cream Torenias with Ixora Gold


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