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All things growing in the Garden>AA2020 Plant List & Care

All things growing in the Garden>2018 Portmarnock Garden>Whats growing in Portmarnock

Monday 14 December 2020

Flower Seedlings - Lobelia Blue

 Purchased 6 pack of seedlings from Bunnings, used to plant around Lemon tree.

Compact lobelia will bloom profusely with deep blue flowers.  Easy to grow preferring a well drained soil or potting mix.  Removing spent flowers wil prolong bloom period and encourage more flowers

full sun to part shade Grows to 20cm high by 20cm wide.  Suitable for hanging baskets.

Had the lemon tree re-potted in September 2020, suspect there has been a bag mix up with a bag of garden soil being used instead of potting mix.  Soil around tree and lobelias is compacted.

Pic October 2020

Pic December 2020

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