Quisqualis in larger pot between Peace Lillies with newly potted spider plants as path edging.
Quisqualis 'Jessie's Star'
This unique pure white flowering Quisqualis puts on a spectacular show with its lime green foliage contrasting with the clusters of white flowers en masse. A very hardy climber flowering from september through to April.
Uses: To cover archways, arbours, fences and pergolas. Ideal fro privacy screening and the addition of colour into your garden.
Climate: Subtropical to tropical, protect from frost. Herbaceous perennial.
Care: Keep moist in dry weather. Light prune after last frost to promote bushy growth and flowering. Seasonal application of a slow release fertiliser, low in nitrogen, is recommended.
First grown as a seedling at Retreat Garden in Burpengarry- 'Jessie's Star' the first white variety ever to be grown.
Avoid fertilisers that are high in nitrogen, they will only encourage foliage growth and not flower set. The vine may occasionally be plagued by scale and caterpillars. The vine can be propagated from cuttings.
This creeper, like all lianas, attaches itself to trees in the wild and creeps upwards through the canopy in search of the sun. In the home garden, quisqualis can be used as an ornamental climber or trained as a specimen plant in a container. With some supportive structure, the plant will arch and form large masses of foliage.
The genus name Quisqualis means 'what is this' and for good reason. it has a form more closely resembling that of a shrub as a young plant, which gradually matures into a vine.
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